Almayer's Folly - Narrative film adaptation by Chantal Akerman of Joseph Conrad's first novel, following a European man living in Southeast Asia and his half-indigenous daughter.
The Apology - Former "Comfort Women" who were forced to serve Japanese troops during World War II tell their harrowing stories.
Chicago Boys - After the coup in 1973, Chile was turned into a laboratory for the world's most radical neo-liberal experiment.
Código Color, Memorias - An exploration of racism and skin color in Cuba during the 1950s.
Egg and Stone - A powerful autobiographical portrait of a 14-year-old girl's attempts to come to terms with her emerging sexual maturity. From the dGenerate Films Collection.
Female Directors - When job prospects elude them, two twenty-something art school graduates decide to film each other's lives instead. From the dGenerate Films Collection.