Berlin 1885: The Division of Africa - The story of the first international conference on Africa, which established its division amongst the European powers, and created Congo as a personal possession of the Belgian king.
Black Africa White Marble - A contemporary David-and-Goliath story that sheds a harsh light on the colonial past and troubled present of The Republic of Congo.
Boyamba Belgique - The day before Congo gained independence, the sabre of the Belgian king Baudouin was stolen by a young Congolese. Fifty years later the filmmakers search for him, and discover the meaning of his act.
Chronicle Of A Genocide Foretold - Shot over three years, CHRONICLE OF A GENOCIDE FORETOLD follows several Rwandans before, during, and after the 1994 genocide.
Colette and Justin - A filmmaker interviews his grandparents about their experience of Belgian colonialism.
Congo in Four Acts - A quartet of short films (on one dvd) that lay bare the reality of everyday life in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Congo: The Doctor Who Saves Women - Tens of thousands of women have been raped during 20 years of war in eastern Congo.
A Day with... - Eight African filmmakers each contribute a documentary portrait of the life of a different West African child.