This film is on one (1) DVD together with the films Todos Santos: The Survivors and Mayan Voices: American Lives
This film provides an intimate look at everyday life in Todos Santos, a village in Guatemala's highlands, before the violence of the 1980s. The community, consisting of small family farms worked by Mayan indians, had remained isolated until the construction of a road in the mid-1960's connecting the highlands and the coast.
As Todosanteros go about their daily routines, they discuss the increasing importance of cash to this once self-sustained farming community. The annual harvest is reaped, the elaborate Fiesta of Todos Santos is celebrated with dancing, drinking and the central event that is the horse race, and the workers migrate out of the mountain village in search of work on the lowland cotton plantations.
An insightful documentary, TODOS SANTOS CUCHUMATAN ominously illustrates social and economic changes in the lives of Guatemalan Indians that would lead to the political upheaval of the 1980s.
"Latin American studies would be considerably strengthened by films of this caliber. Highly recommended for college libraries."—Choice
"A must for viewing by anyone interested in Latin America and the situation of indigenous and rural populations."—American Anthropologist
Blue Ribbon Winner, 1983 American Film Festival